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01leavingwithaaronandtami | |
02pickinguptheben | |
03poweringinstruments | |
04playing | |
05entertainthefrontrow | |
06makethecrazysounds | |
07aarondrives | |
08youmustbravethetrunk | |
09itisjustcables | |
10firstglimpse | |
11arches | |
12callitroadside | |
13furtherroadside | |
14ooooisthatkelp | |
15hillies | |
16rear | |
17cliffies | |
18front | |
19morekelp | |
20goshdamn | |
21hammackfireman | |
22tamiandaaron | |
23hiderangerrogers |
Go [ back in time. | up the tree. | into the future! ]
This page was brought to you by sh, sed, awk, find and convert.
Questions? Comments? Email Chris Chen.