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One Hundred McAllister | |
We haven't gotten any action in a long time... | |
Maybe it's burned out. It's dark... | |
What a sweet dining car. | |
Don't eat the chips! | |
SP Locomotive. These used to run past my parent's house when I was a kid. | |
Kiosk looks kind of run-down. | |
Richmond Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. The date says 1913. I don't believe it. | |
Bird lands in a train. Bird builds a nest. Bird lays eggs. Chicks hatch. Chicks fly away. Bird lands in a train... | |
...oma central. | |
Passenger cars. | |
I'm a normal pineapple, just sittin' on the bus... | |
Oh shit what was that?! | |
Foreground, yellow and red livery of the Union Pacific. Not the "Friendly" Southern Pacific. | |
Shops. | |
You can sit anywhere you like. | |
God-damned underexposure. | |
Tanks. Cranes. | |
No stopping, bag, Micah. | |
Do not fuck with us. | |
What a lovely shade of green! | |
Through the window in the bus shelter. Hrm, there's another one coming now... | |
Walking. |
Go [ back in time. | up the tree. | into the future! ]
This page was brought to you by sh, sed, awk, find and convert.
Questions? Comments? Email Chris Chen.